你好 CIAO


Asked & Answered

Of course! As much as we try to provide you with a very minimalistic lingo and an uncluttered layout, sometimes a lot of information at once can become confusing. Schedule a 30-minute live and free appointment with us via our Calendly App, and allow us to enlighten you. Or you can always feed your curiosity and see if we are a fit.

We already work with a catalogue of organisations and people from around the world and have had zero issues. Following the work plan is one way of doing it and keeping in touch at all times is another; both combined, we make sure that no matter where we are, the workflow stays uninterrupted. Our team of professionals will assist you and never bail on you.

Our price list is an internal documentation that only our staff members and collaborators have access to. We provide you with a Pricing Guide which has very often proved to be useful for you to know what is it you really need, and us to charge you righteously.

Once you have chosen what fits your needs and we have received your RFP (Request for Proposal) via email, we will reply back with a quote detailing what you are paying for as well as any other information worth knowing before your investment.

You can send us an email directly with your request and contact details at [email protected] or simply get in touch by selecting the subject of your email provided via our ‘I Need A Chat’ section below.

After replying to your email and arranging a meeting where we can discuss everything, your tailored quote will have to be validated which will be followed by an invoice sent to you via Bonsai, our online secure accounting system. A downpayment must be carried forth before starting any projects and full payment processed to unlock any finals and therefore deliveries. You can find our bank details via our billing info page.

We consider each member of our team a friend as we do spend 8 hours a day, if not even more, together. We take care of our own no matter what, making loyalty and trust two of our most valuable cornerstones when it comes to our connections.

If you think you have what it takes to be a part of our squad may it be to collaborate, work with us or sponsor us, feel free to reach us at [email protected] or simply get in touch with us by selecting the subject of your email provided via our ‘I Need A Chat’ section below. The more the merrier!

Oh no! Don’t fret, we got your back. Check out our full list of FAQs and if your question has still not been answered kindly send us a message using our ‘I Need A Chat’ section below or email us directly at [email protected].


By clicking SEND on the above contact form, you consent to allowing Freedom Creative Studio Ltd to store and process your personal information accordingly. Freedom Creative Studio Ltd is committed to protecting as well as respecting your privacy, and will therefore only use your information to administer your account while providing the products and services that you have requested. Occasionally, if initially granted permission, we would like to contact you about some of our offers as well as other content that may be of interest to you or your organization. You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more information on our privacy practices, and how we manage your data, please review our Privacy Policies.
It is not solely about getting the job done, but also giving you an experience by connecting with you. We have established the concept of ‘BRAINSTALKING’, where we will stalk each other’s brains while discussing. How? 15 minutes for you, 5 minutes for us and 10 more minutes to ask or answer anything insightful. Book your #free 30-minute meeting now. Ready, Set, Talk!
COVID-19 Policy
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose serious risks to our community.  Fortunately, there now are vaccinations readily available that have shown to be effective in protecting individuals from hospitalisation and death caused by the virus.

However, after everyone had taken a severe blow from this sudden worldwide disaster, we have been working in the background to better your experience with us and make it much easier for you to safely stay at home while we bring you the same quality standards and energy as we did pre-pandemic. We are very aware of all the restrictions being imposed at the moment despite being vaccinated, wearing a mask and following all the health protocols put in place. At Freedom Creative Studio it is not about ‘me’, but ‘us’, and putting you at risk is a definite ‘NO’.

Therefore, while staying in your most comfortable attire, we are very proud to have expanded and linked with our favourite audio/video conference platforms making it possible for you to reach us at any scheduled timeframes during our business hours.
Fueled by nature,  at FCS we vow to try our best to be eco-friendly by recycling and acting on the little things which together make a big difference. We pride ourselves to be the advocates of Mother Nature.
Fueled by nature,  at FCS we vow to try our best to be eco-friendly by recycling and acting on the little things which together make a big difference. It all starts with providing you with SERVICES THAT COST THE EARTH ALMOST NOTHING one step at a time.

Possibilities are endless. It all starts with us and ends with you, one step at a time. Rooting from the desire to take care of our home and the will to do it, we provide you with SERVICES THAT COST THE EARTH ALMOST NOTHING.

Embracing diversity.
Celebrating you.
At Freedom Creative Studio, we make sure that everybody feels included. Regardless of your Hogwarts house, if you are team Apple vs Windows, whether you are a fire or a water sign, no matter the colour of your skin or if you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, we treat everyone equally and with the same amount of respect. You are what makes this world so beautiful and we show it by fully embracing and celebrating you when you collaborate with us. Don’t be scared to shine through your favourite pronouns, bubbly personality and unique ways of thinking. There is only one you. Be you, do you, for you.
Trustworthiness & Loyalty